Sunday School at Home for March 10

Measuring God’s Love
Theme: God’s love is immeasurable.
Scripture: John 3:14-21
Get Ready: Click here to get your complete supply list for this lesson.

The Children’s Sermon
You’ll Need:
● A measuring cup
● A tape measure
● A watch

Do This:
SAY: One of my favorite Bible verses begins, "For God so loved the world." I was
thinking about that verse and wondering just how great God's love is and how we
could measure it. This morning I brought several things that we often use to
measure stuff. I thought they might help us measure God's love.
Sometimes we measure ingredients. If I were making some cookies, which of
these would I use to make sure that I put in exactly the right amount of flour,
sugar, and milk? (Allow kids to pick between the measuring cup, a tape measure, and
a watch.) That’s right, we would use a measuring cup for cookies, but I wonder if
we might use a measuring cup to measure God's love? The Bible says, "The Lord is
my shepherd, I shall not cup runneth over" (Psalm 23:1,5) . Well, if our
cup runs over with God's love, I guess we couldn’t use a measuring cup to
measure it.
If we were building something, which of these would I use to measure the length,
width, and height of different things? (Allow kids to pick between the measuring
cup, a tape measure, and a watch.) That’s right, a tape measure, but I wonder if we
might use a tape measure to measure God's love? The Bible tells us that God's love
is higher than the heavens (Psalm 108:4) . If God's love is higher than the heavens, I
don't think we could use a tape measure to measure it, could we?
Which of these would I use to measure time? (Allow kids to pick between the
measuring cup, a tape measure, and a watch.) We use a watch to measure time. I
wonder if we could use a watch to measure how long God's love will last. The Bible
tells us that God's love is from everlasting to everlasting (Psalm 103:17) . Wow! If
God's love is from everlasting to everlasting, I guess we couldn’t measure it with
a watch.
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son that whoever
believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." How do you measure a love
like that? We can't measure it. We don't need to, but we do need to experience it.
My prayer for you today is, "That you may understand how wide, how long, how
high, and how deep His love really is. May you experience it, though it is so great
you will never fully understand it" (Ephesians 3:18-19).
PRAY: Dear God, we thank You for Your love—a love so great that You gave Your
one and only Son so that we could have eternal life. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Measure That
You’ll Need:
● “Measure That” video lesson
● Something to play the video

Do This:
Show them the video.
● What measurement surprised you the most and why?
● When it comes to God’s love, how would you describe how big it is to a

I Love You This Much Snacks

You’ll Need:
● “Measuring God’s Love How-to Video”
● Strawberries - two per child
● Toothpicks - one per child
● Pretzel sticks - four per child
● Mini marshmallows - four per child
● Paper plates - one per child
Get Ready: Before class, cut off the green strawberry tops, and then cut the
strawberries in half, lengthwise.
Do This:
Follow these steps to make the “I Love You This Much” snacks:
● Give each child a paper plate, two strawberry slices, a toothpick, four pretzel
sticks, and four marshmallows.
● Instruct kids to use the toothpicks to attach the sides together to make a heart
from the strawberries.
● Invite kids to press pretzel sticks into the strawberry hearts to form arms and
● Place mini marshmallows on the ends of the pretzel sticks for hands and feet.
● Enjoy.
SAY: This heart strawberry looks like it is holding out its arms to give you a hug.
That’s a lot of love. But we can’t hold our arms out far enough to show how much
God loves us. God’s love is so big we cannot measure it.
● What are some ways you know God loves you?

Complete Supply List:
● A measuring cup
● A tape measure
● A watch
“Measure That” video lesson
● Something to play the video
“Measuring God’s Love How-to Video”
● Strawberries - two per child
● Toothpicks - one per child
● Pretzel sticks - four per child
● Mini marshmallows - four per child
● Paper plates - one per child
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